Wednesday 19 January 2011

The masthead of this is big and bold with a modern font this stands out straight away to tell the reader what it is that they are going to read, the colour yellow stands out really well as it contrasts with the background which is white.
The sell line of this magazine is about football and how it is back, we can see this is obviously a big thing to do with this magazine as the image is a man dressed in a football uniform holding a football. the sell line of this magazine uses a bold font which is all in capital letter and also ends with an explanation mark which shows the excitement of it.
the font of the cover lines is a basic font maybe "Ariel" they are all one colour which is a grey, they stand out from the background and make it easy to read. The position of the cover lines are placed above the tittle and just below the sell line this give more room for the image and it also makes it seem more modern which is good as it appeals to the audience which is students.
The main images is position right in the middle of the page and covers some of the tittle, there is a young man who is wearing a football uniform and is carrying a football this tell us that the target audience may be young men who play football.
There is a barcode which tell us that this is a real magazine.

The masthead tells us straight away that the magazine is targeted at college students or people who are thinking about going to college, the colour is yellow which straight away makes it stand out from the black background and easy to read.
The sell line is big and bold and also adopts the feature of the tittle as it is yellow and makes it stand out from the background we can see it is talking about the future of a dance hall this show that the magazine may have a variety of different features in it.
the cover lines are placed around the page and around the image this give the effect of a usual glossy magazine which tell us the target audience if for teenagers, they all have different fonts to them and different colour which make them all stand out and make people want to read them which then encourages them to buy the magazine and read the storeys that are attached to these cover lines. the cover lines talk about it being Friday and spring break this once again tells us the target audience is for the younger generation.
the picture is a young Man who is dressed like a student who is carrying books which represents the the audience of the magazine, the picture is mid-shot and placed in the middle of the magazine front cover.
the is a bar code which show that this is a real magazine there is also a website.

The masthead is targeted at its target audience because its name is college and the audience is college students. It is bold and easy to read. The cover line are evenly placed around the page, each cover line starts with a bold and big font as the tittle and it then goes into a more formal smaller font to tell more information.
The main picture is a young women wearing casual clothing we can see it is summer which maybe why she is wearing shorts the way she is standing is very happy and respectful, in the background we can see a field with trees which is out of focus this makes it all see like summer which then sells the magazine because it makes the student seem like this is what it will be like for them.
They use a barcode which give the features to prove it is a real magazine.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent analysis Jack; well done. You need to add the following to be up to date:

    1. Scan and upload your hand drawn drafts
    2. Add some analysis/explanation of your drafts
    3. Take, manipulate and upload some practice photos.

    Please work independently to get yourself caught up.
