Friday 18 February 2011

Music magazine double page research.

The images used is a rural setting outdoor, which immediately shows the youth of this band and there Target audience to be teenagers it also shows a slight amount of the genre of the band which will probably be pop or indie. The image is mainly set on the girl who has been placed closer to the camera in this image which tell us that this article will be about her this is also shown on the right hand side of the page when there has been an imge of the girl again still in the same outfit but in a different pose this time the background has been cut out behind her and there has been a white outline added to give the effect that the image is attached to the writting. Behinnd the girl in the main imge is four other boys which could tell us that they are the band and that the girl is the main singer. All five of the people in the image are all dressed in casual modern clothes whic again shows the youth of the band and aslos there genre. the masthead stands out really well because it is white and it contrast against the background they have us san-serif fond which give the modern young effect and they have used a bold font which also makes it stand out, there is a short line below which is the coverline and it is still in the white font but it is smaller and is also not bold. the article is set in two collums, the have used the black font against the whtie background which has made it easy to read and also ties in to the masthead so it shows a slight amount of a clour scheme towards the end of the articule they have hilighted a drop quote and changed it so the font is whit and the background is black this makes it stand out from the whole articule this has been done so that if someone turns onto the page and reads that quote it will pull them in and make them read the full articule. The page has a page number and also a website this shows that it is a real double page in a magazine.

The image is of the four people out of the iconic and well know band "the black eyed peas" they all stand posing and looking straight into the camera this has been done so matter where you are looking on the page it looks like the images are looking at you. We can see that three of the images are faded into the background and "will-i-am" is not this has been to show that he is the main person and this is what the article is on. There has been a contrast of colour used where the masthead is, the colour is the same colour as the clothing that "will-i-am" is wearing this once again tells us that the article is about him it also makes it look clean and modern. They have only used one column for the writing on the right hand page, this is because most of the image of the four people in on the left hand page but also comes over on to the right hand page slightly. The article is all the same font and all the same size they have gone with black font so that it is easy to read as the background is White they have also used drops quotes this has been done to pull readers in the way they have placed the drop quote is in the middle of the article and what they have done has made the font white and highlighted it in black so that it stands out from the rest this is a good trick as it it makes the reader read this quote first and makes them want to read the article. They have used a page number which gives the effect of a real magazine. 

Friday 4 February 2011

Music Contents page research

The mast head bold and tell the reader straight away which magazine it is about and that everything in it will be all about the week they are in. Along the left hand side of the page there is the list of the different things on the pages with the number of the page beside them. there is only one image and it is a big one with a bold heading that tells us that the image of the building must be called "astoria" On the right hand side the is sub heading which then have the tittle of different pages and the page number the sub headings are there to show what the pages are going to be about for example below reviews there with be the pages which there is reviews on.  

The masthead of this is very down to the point and basic but this is done so that it keeps that modern and sophisticated look that “Q” has, to the left of this we know that this is a real contents page as it has the page number on the top right hand corner and it also has the date and website. The picture they have used is of the group “the courtenners” it is a full length image which shows there whole body and it also has the back ground which is the country side which has been done to give off the effect and genre of the type of music they play. The cover lines are very basic they have used the colour scheme of red for the number of the page and then the title of the page in black the font is all very basic and throughout it keep the same trends and colours that “Q” always use. On the main image they have actually put the cover line on the bottom of the image so it tell the reader whop the people in the image are and which page to go on to find out more information on them.

This is another contents page which has go the same original, and well know colour scheme and font going on. For the mast head it tell us that this magazine is going to be a summer one and it will tell us what is going to be going on in summer and what will be popular. For the cover line on the right hand side it has the basic number and title of the page but they have also opted to use images and number they have several images on the right hand side of the page with the number of the page that there is information about this person set somewhere in the actual image, they are only able to do this because the images are of very well know people if they decided to do it will not so well know people it wouldn’t have the same effect this appeals more to “Q’s” audience.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Music Magazine cover research.

The masthead s big and bold and takes up most of the left hand corner. The colour of the the writing in the masthead is white with a red back ground this works really well to stand out because red and white contrast against one another. This has been done to attract the reader and also to make it recognisable so when anyone sees this masthead they know what it is. The font used in the mast head is San-serif which has been done because its target audience is younger people which gives it a more informal and modern effect to the magazine, but lower down in the main cover line they have used serif on the "rocks" because the magazine tends to be more intellectual and because their main image is "CHERYL COLE" who's main followers tend to be more younger females they don't want the readers to be turned off by this so they are trying to cover up the pop effect that she gives off, to show more of a rock which is Q's usual genre. The sell line of this magazine makes a big statement saying that its the UK's biggest music magazine this has been done to appeal to the customers because if a customer is looking to buy a music magazine and they see that this is the biggest music magazine in the UK they will be more persuaded into buying it as this makes them think that it must be good as it is the biggest in the UK.
The masthead has changed the colour for this one so that it is easier to read and that it goes with the colour scheme of the picture but they have still kept the tradition font, the image of Lady GaGa covers the masthead they are able to do this though because it is such a well know magazine. The picture is of Lady GaGa it is from knee length she is wearing a dress which looks like it is made from bubbles and it is very revealing this has been done because it is what people will call classic GaGa as she is always wearing exotic and very different types of fashion so they have decided to capture this in the image, her make-up has been made to actually work with the back ground and the writing so that everything connects. For the cover lines they have used the same type of font but in many different ways for example the word “Lady GaGa” is the largest words there, the obvious reason this has been done is so that people who have a look at this colour automatically know that the image is lady gaga, the font used is all serif font. On the left hand side we once again have the big font used that says “the hot list” this has been done to attract people know that there is something new and exciting in side below that there is smaller font used to give us a small idea what is going to be in the hot list. We can see that this is a real magazine as they have used a barcode with a price and at the top above the masthead there is a date and website.

The masthead is once again changed from it iconic red colour to a yellow so that is blends in with the image and the colour scheme of the cover lines, it still has the traditional font with it. The images is of Lil Wayne and it is roughly mid-shot he has a bland expression on his face and he is not looking into the camera he is looking down this has been done to show his personality and the way he acts, but then we see that he is wearing a necklace that has the iconic rolling stones logo on it which also promote rolling stones more. There is not many cover lines on this magazine but once again like the Lady GaGa cover they have used the biggest font where is say his name so people know straight away if they don’t know who he is they will know when they see this, it is also like the Cheryl Cole cover where is says he “goes rock” when Lil Wayne is actually a rap pop singing so that is not rolling stones target audience so adding the “rock” it relates more to rolling stones usual audience. We can also see that this is a real magazine as it has the barcode and it also has the price and the website above the masthead.

The masthead is all bold and bright colour which makes it easy to read it is all the same colour with some of the colour line which shows the colour scheme, they have also make all three letter capital letter which makes it stand out in front of everything else on the page so straight away when people see this they know that this is the name of the magazine, just below the masthead there is a sell line which says “NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS” this will probably be on every NME magazine. The cover lines are cold and match the pink colour of the masthead the biggest and bold masthead it the name “RIHANNA” which has been done because she is so well know that people see that she is on the front cover and her name is on the magazine so that magazine will appeal more to her audience, just below her name she has a quotation which is something that she has said they have done this because it shows her personality and it tell the readers what there will probably be an interview with her in the magazine, there is only two cover lines the other one is all pink and bold but it is not as big as the other one below that it has a list of other famous singers and band which is in blank and in a smaller font this is for additional information. We can see this is a real magazine as they have used a barcode also above the masthead there is a date and price of the magazine.