Friday 4 February 2011

Music Contents page research

The mast head bold and tell the reader straight away which magazine it is about and that everything in it will be all about the week they are in. Along the left hand side of the page there is the list of the different things on the pages with the number of the page beside them. there is only one image and it is a big one with a bold heading that tells us that the image of the building must be called "astoria" On the right hand side the is sub heading which then have the tittle of different pages and the page number the sub headings are there to show what the pages are going to be about for example below reviews there with be the pages which there is reviews on.  

The masthead of this is very down to the point and basic but this is done so that it keeps that modern and sophisticated look that “Q” has, to the left of this we know that this is a real contents page as it has the page number on the top right hand corner and it also has the date and website. The picture they have used is of the group “the courtenners” it is a full length image which shows there whole body and it also has the back ground which is the country side which has been done to give off the effect and genre of the type of music they play. The cover lines are very basic they have used the colour scheme of red for the number of the page and then the title of the page in black the font is all very basic and throughout it keep the same trends and colours that “Q” always use. On the main image they have actually put the cover line on the bottom of the image so it tell the reader whop the people in the image are and which page to go on to find out more information on them.

This is another contents page which has go the same original, and well know colour scheme and font going on. For the mast head it tell us that this magazine is going to be a summer one and it will tell us what is going to be going on in summer and what will be popular. For the cover line on the right hand side it has the basic number and title of the page but they have also opted to use images and number they have several images on the right hand side of the page with the number of the page that there is information about this person set somewhere in the actual image, they are only able to do this because the images are of very well know people if they decided to do it will not so well know people it wouldn’t have the same effect this appeals more to “Q’s” audience.

1 comment:

  1. Again, good analysis of the first contents page but the others should also be finished by now and you should have moved on to double page articles.
