Thursday 7 April 2011

Double page spread Final piece

This is my DPS  I have decided to take the red shade colour theme throughout because it makes it look more professional I also this it gives a house style and makes the audience feel welcome I also think it makes it look more formal even though the interview is very informal but I think the contrast is good. The images are black and white just like the front cover and the contents this is what I have used throughout because it makes it look more professional and it gives a fashion vibe to it which appeals to my target audience.

Audience feedback- 
Hayley -  I like how you have used the red colour scheme throughout and the images look very professional.

Alex- I like the way that you have  used red, this could show passion or anger, but the fact that you it with hot looks really good, i also like the way that you have kept the original pictures making it look professional and quirky.  
shaheeda- I really like how you the images on the double page spread appear to be in black and white, this has given the article a retro and antique look. i also think your colour scheme is very effetive as  Red and Black go together really well.

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