Wednesday 30 March 2011

Music Magazine contents page.

The red colour theme has been used throughout the contents again which links the whole magazine together making it more professional. On my head lines I have used lots of different types of fonts which gives a more professional look and it makes it look more fun which will appeal to the age range of my magazine, I have also used the same font on the font cover which links the head lines and cover lines together. The images I have used make it look professional and I have used the black and white vibe on them to once again link them.

Audience Feedback-
Alex Smith- Looks professional. I like the way that the photos are different as you have kept the original background in which makes the photo unique. I also like the way the numeric structure as it shows you how many pages there is on each title.
Hayley Williams – The pictures look very professional and the black and white scheme makes the contents page look more effective and stand out. I like how from the front cover you used the red and you have carried it on through your contents page also. I like the way you have changed some writing to make the title of each page stand out more.
Callie Bilverstone- I love the pictures taken they look very professional, by using the same colour scheme of red for the whole of the page looks very neat.  The use of bold and italics and capital letters make the page really easy to read. I think that this is a really good contents page, although I think that there could be more colour variations within the page.

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