Monday 14 March 2011

Mock Cover for music magazine.

Front cover of magazine:

Names for music magazine:
-music magazine.

There will be one big image that is mid shot and that is looking straight into the camera so that it graps the readers attention and looks like they are looking at them.

Cover lines for magazine:
-Cheryl Cole speaks out.
I have decided to use this cover line because Cheryl is such a popular singer and as my magazine is a pop magazine she is such an iconic pop signer it all goes together. When the readers see her name they will immediately be attracted to it and want to read more which will make them want to buy the magazine. It also shows that there will be an interview with her in the magazine as it says she 'speaks out' which attracts a variety of different audiences because it suggests it can be talking about her music which will attract her music fans and it can suggest it will be talking about her personal life that will attract the gossip lovers.
-Katy perry my new album.
This will defiantly attract allot of peoples eyes as Katy Perry is such a big role model and such a popular singer more popular then Cheryl Cole which makes it good for the magazine and to have it on the cover as it will also attract allot of different readers as Katy's music  is for all different ages and different people. Katy's music is also pop like Cheryl which makes it good for the magazine as it matches. As I have said 'my new album' this is going to make the readers want to buy the magazine and find out more about her new album which is another reason I chose for it to be on the cover.
-V festival line up is here!
Although 'V festival' is not just pop but a range of different types of music I decided to put it on the cover as it is still such a big event and pop lover and more will want to know the line up so this really reaches out to all music lovers who want know more about the festival, this is the main reason I chose this because Ireaches out to more and not just my target audience.
-Kim Kardashian and her new single
I am using this one because is attract the fans of Kim kardashian and also because it is a new artist in the scenes which make this slightly exclusive. This also attracts the american fans to this magazine.
Contents page:

The mast head will have the name of the magazine in smaller font and then in bigger font beside that will be the word contents.
The image I am going to use is on the same purson on the front cover but doing a different pose, probably sitting down and the the contents infomation curves around the image.

Two page article:

The masthead of the article will have a small font of the tittle next to it and then in smaller font the name of the person the article is with.
The two page article will also have the same images as the person on the front and on the contents and once again doing a different pose.

Here are some draft drawing that I have made:

This is the draft drawing of my Front Cover, I like the name of my magazine as it is unique. I will have a sell line because I think when people see it they will know it is this magazine. The main image will be big enough to fill the page.

This is the draft drawing of my contents page I have decided I will have two images on the right hand side and the the headlines down the left hand side of the page. I will take the red theme trough from the front cover. I will have the same masthead as on the front cover and beside that will just have a basic name 'contents'.

This is the draft drawing of my DPS  I am going to have one main image on the left hand side of the page then the article 'question and answer interview' with be on the right hand side of the page I think it is more professional and it will make it easy and clear to under stand the colour theme will be shade of red.

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