Thursday 3 March 2011

Magazine research questionnaire

Circle the answer you see appropriate.
1.     Do you think the main image should grab your attention?
Yes    No

2.     What type of image would you like to see on the cover?
Solo Female    Solo Male   Girl Group Boy
Group Mixed Group

3.     What type of music do you listen to?
Pop    Rock    Jazz    Indie   Classical

4.     How many cover lines do you think there should be on the cover?
1,    2,    3,    4,    5,   6,   7,   more.

5.     What type of Font should the masthead be?
Bold Serif    Serif   Bold San-Serif    San-Serif

6.What colour should be used on the cover?
Neutral    Bold    Colourful    Mixed

6.     How many pictures do you think should be on the contents page?
1,    2,    3,    4.

The reason  I have made an questionnaire was to find out what my target audience wanted to see and what they wanted this was very important to me to find out some market research to get the magazine right. The questions I decided to use are very basic so that it is easy for people to answer otherwise if they were very long then people may not answer truthfully which would mean that I don't have valid research. Although the questions are very basic they giver me the information I need to know that makes the magazine appeal to the audience.

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