Friday 11 March 2011

Questionnaire results.

-7 people said yes and 3 people said no, this means that my image will be looking straight into the camera to grab the readers attention.

-4 people said solos female, 2 people said solo male, 1 said girl group, 2 people said boy group and 1 said mixed group, I have decided to have a solo female on my cover because of the response being the highest with that.

6 people said they liked pop, 2 people said they liked rock, 0 people said they liked jazz, 2 people said they liked indie and 0 people said classic. I am now going to make my magazine a music magazine.
2 people said 1, 3 people said 2, 4 people said 3, 0 people said 4. I am going to use three cover lines because that is what most people said to use and also because it makes it look less cluttered.

3 people said bold serif, 2 people said serif, 3 people said bold San serif, people said San serif, I am either going to chose from bold serif or bold San serif.

4 people said neutral, 2 people said bold, 2 people said colourful, and 2 people said mixed, I have decided to use neutral colours maybe black and White colours that go together.

9 people said for there to be one big image on the front cover this is what I am going to do as well as it makes it more modern and clean.

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