Thursday 14 April 2011

Music Magazine Evaluation.

In what ways does your media product use, develope or challenge forms and conventions of a real media product?

When I researched I found many conventions that I thought were good and decided to use them in my own way I found that Mast heads, Sell Lines, Coverlines, Main Images, Layout, etc. All seemed to have a lot in common in all different magazines.

Front Cover:

When I looked at the existing texts for the masthead all of them seemed to have the the font to be basic but it was bold and colourful so that it grabbed the readers attention immediately, they do this because they all want to stand out from the other magazine to make a noticeable name and logo. The mastheads all began in the top left hand corner of the page this has been done because it is a basic instinct to immediately read from left to right top to bottom, I decided to put my Masthead at the top left hand corner with bold basic font but with a bright noticeable colour, because if I did not do this I think it would not look as good, I also think that it would not appeal to my target audience as they may get lost with the other magazines on the shell If the masthead was not at the top left hand corner.

Sell Line:
When researching the existing text not many of then included a sell line this may be because it can be seen as out dated. I decided I still wanted to feature one in my magazine because it will make it more unique and noticeable, another reason would be if the magazine were to advertise this sell line can be used throughout. When looking further into sell lines I discovered that they were placed below the masthead, above the masthead or at the bottom the page it was rare to see it anywhere else on the page. From this research I then decided to place my sell line 'No1 music magazine' just beside my Mastehead, this is because it will make it noticeable and people are more likely to read it after reading the masthead. I also discovered that the sell lines were usually a very different colour to the mastheads so that the two texts contrast against one another making it clear and easy to read, from this I decided to make my sell line a different font and a black colour.

Cover Lines:
In my existing texts the cover lines were different all around from size, colour, shape, font, etc. Some magazines decided to use colours that contrast against one another to make it easy to read and show the difference between them, I decided to use all the same colour to make it unique I also thought it would look more modern and appeal to my target audience because there is nothing else much like it, by doing this I had to make sure that it was still easy and clear to read that is why I decided to do only four cover lines because I could spread them out. In my research the existing texts tended to use anything from the lowest of three cover lines to the most of six. The size of the text varied from the importance of it for example my main coverline was in bigger front from the other cover line, this is done because it usually relates to the image on the page this is what I did for mine. The font of the coverlines usually stayed the same on most of the existing texts I looked at but I decided to make the fonts different on the texts it makes it more exciting and it appeals more to my target audience as it makes it look more creative. In my research none of the cover lines had a number at the end that linked the cover line to the article in the magazine, once again I wanted my magazine to be unique and different to all the others and decided to place the numbers on my cover lines but I had to be careful again so that it did not look bad and ruin the effect I have done this by making the font smaller and changed the shade. The position of the cover lines in my existing texts all seemed to fit around the main image so that they didn't take the attention away from the image and so that it looked neat and modern, I took this on and placed my cover lines around the sides of the image so that is did not take the attention away from it. 

Main Image:
When looking at all the existing texts and researching more, the main image was always the main focus and grabbed the readers attention this is because when the audience look at the magazine they want to know who is on the cover and who they are because they must be good to be on the front cover, this is why it is crucial to get it right because it is basically the sell point of the magazine. The way this is done is by making the image attractive and appealing to the audience I believe the best way this is done is when the person in the image is looking straight into the camera, this grabs the readers attention and makes it look like they are looking at them,I took this on board and I decided that my image should be looking into the camera. The image has to be good quality if they use a blurred image it will not have a the same effect this was very important for me to make my image good quality. When looking at the existing texts they all seemed to have colour images and as I wanted my magazine to be unique I decided to use black and white images I think it gave a better effect and it defiantly makes it appeal more to my target audience.

Contents Page:-

When I looked at my existing texts I saw the the mastheads for the contents page were quite plane and usually just took the name on 'contents' this is very basic but it get the point across with no frills this is good for the audience because it makes it plain and simple for then. I adapted this and decided to have my masthead 'contents' but also beside that the name of my magazine 'A' with the same font and style from the main cover, so that the theme is carried through as it makes it look modern and gives a better effect.

When I researched my Contents page I saw straight away that all magazines use images in the contents, some only had one image but some had as many as twenty. Most of the existing texts used images that were linked to the front cover in some way I have done this as well, it once again shows a theme throughout and it shows the reader that this article is good and it is top news. I decided to use two images for my contents one image related to the front cover and the other image was relating to a different artist. Both images had to be of high quality just like the front cover, as with the front cover i took on the black and white scheme of the image on the the contents page images, I thought it makes a link throughout and it gives it a better finish and makes it look modern and sleek. All the research that I looked at showed me that the images that are used usually have a page number that links that image with the article it is on. I thought this is a good and I took this on as it makes it seem professional and it also makes is easy for the reader.

Colour Scheme:
When I looked at my existing text most of them had Incorporated the colours from the front cover over on the the contents I liked this idea from the start and I took this on with the red shades, I think it gives a better more professional finish it makes the colour noticeable to the magazine which makes a house style effect.

The research for the headlines showed me most of them started with a number and then gave the name of the article and sometimes had additional information about the article. When I looked at this I didn't think it suited my magazine so I decided to use the name of the article but not to include any additional information, another thins was that I decided to show the number of the page at the end of the headlines ti give it a more unique look I also decided to show where the article started and finished (55-57) It makes it easy for the reader and I though no one else is like it and I want my hole magazine to be different and unique. The existing texts seemed to have kept the same type of colour scheme through the front cover lines and with the head lines I took this on and did the same. The font on the headlines in my existing texts all seemed to have different font that showed the different artists I like this effect so I decided to use is as well because I thought it appeals to my target audience.

The research I did for the contents page layout was quite simple this is because they all seemed to have the same type of layout with the images all on one side and the headlines on the other in a column. I thought this looked good because it keeps everything simple and central which makes it clear and easy for the audience which is the main priority. So I decided to have my images on the right hand side and then the column with the headline so the Left hand side. The mast head of the contents was usually at the top left in my existing texts I thought this looked best so I decided to to this as well.

Additional Information:
When I was looking at existing texts I saw that they all seemed to have a website address at the bottom of the page and a little sentence usually says 'come visit us at...' I thought this was a good technique used so I took this on as well because it gives additional information for the customer.

Double Page Spread:-

In y existing texts most of them had one big image that took one whole page this effect is done to pull in the reader and give a professional look. I thought this would be a good idea so I placed one big image on my left hand page, I had to make sure that the image i chose was attractive and appealing to the eye to make sure that it does pull the reader in. The existing text also seemed to have a couple of other images that related to the topic on the other side of the page this just give additional information and get the reader to see more what they are this I thought this was a good technique and took it on so I decided to use two smaller images on the right hand side but to place them around my question and answer interview this give a professional effect and makes it look modern and I think this really suit my target audience.

Colour scheme:
The existing texts I looked out for the colour scheme on the DPS  all seemed to use the same colours from the front cover and from the contents this is done to once again make a house style and to keep everything together, I thought this was really good to I decided to use the different shades of red throughout I defiantly think this really appeal to my target audience. I also decided to use a colour scheme throughout on my photos and by making them all black and white I defiantly think it give it a better effect.

In my research I found that all the DPS all seemed to have placed on main image on the left hand side of the page and then the contents of the article and anything else on the right hand side of this page this is don't to separate it all out properly and because if the image is on the right hand side of the page then this may make the audience concentrate more on the image and get detracted while reading because when reading left to right the image may keep grabbing the readers eye and it could become annoying for them. Taking in all these thoughts I decided to do the same and have my image on the left and my interview on the right. The layout of the interview was in three columns this is because all the existing texts I looked at had there articles in columns as it makes it easy and simple to read it also separates it out and makes it fill the page without overlapping, I decided to do this as well because it makes it easy for people to read a question and answer interview when it is in columns and it give a better finish look.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My magazine I have created represents a line of different types of social groups, there was many way in which I have done this and I will tell you how.

The way I have represent age was through the use of images and cover lines the way I have done this is by sticking to the brief and my images have been taken of students which shows my target audience that they are of similar age which tells them straight away this will probably be a magazine they will enjoy and a magazine that they can easily understand. It also shows a positive look for teenagers because as my images used do not shows the stereotype of a teenager they show a more mature look on things, this can persuade the audience to read as it makes them feel good to know they aren't going to be stereotyped. The cover lines on my magazine defiantly stand out to the age of my target audience as they all have a famous artist that is targeted at the teenager audience for example 'katy perry' so it was important for me to makes sure I kept the cover lines at the right age range.

The way gender is represented in my magazine can be seen as sexist this is because I have only presented it with images of females. The reason for doing this was in my research I found that on average women are the main audience to buy magazine no matter what genre they are I took this on and I decided to be more targeted to women but not to put off men I still shows the interest of male artists on my cover lines and in my contents headlines.

In my magazine there was only I type of ethnicity shows in my images 'white British'. I had to make sure that this was not seen as racists, so I made sure that in my cover lines and in my headlines I had artists from all different types of ethnicity which shows that my magazine is not targeted at one ethnicity and I don't want it to single out anyone as it is targeted at all different types of ethnicity.

Social Class:
My magazine has the look of a upper class magazine with the formal font I have on my mast head and cover lines and throughout, the colour scheme of different shades of red make it seem very formal as well and the the good quality black and white images are very upper class, but my magazine is actually targeted to middle/upper class, I though the look of a formal magazine gives it a better professional finish but I had to make sure that in my Double Page Spread that my my question and interview had to be informal which is what I have done. So although it looks very upper class and formal it does have the effect of a middle/upper class magazine.

Regional Identity:
I decided not to show any regional identity the reasons for this is because I want it to appeal to all and if this was to be a real magazine on sale the likely hood of it just being sold in one region are slim and it would be really bad for the business and it would be hard for them to change the image. So I made sure from the start I had no regional identity.

Physical disability:
When I researched in the artists that aimed at my target audience I couldn't find any main stream ones that had a physical disability that is why I did not feature on in my magazine I do not believe that this singles people out with physical disability I think that I if I were to put someone with a physical disability in my magazine it could have been seen as stereo typing and tagging on someone.

What Kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

When researching different institutions I thought that the best one that would be suited to my media product would probably be EMAP because this is a British company, and they distribute 'Q' magazine which was a magazine that I though was really good and had a specific target audience and it rarely changes. They also distribute other music magazine which all tend to be the same type of genre which is 'rock', my magazine is more 'pop/indie' I thought this may not go to well because I may be a hard change for them to focus on a 'pop' magazine after working with 'rock' But then I though it would be good because they would have so much experience with the 'rock' It would be a good business move to branch out to 'pop'. The reason I though this was because if I went to a distributor that focuses on 'pop' they wouldn't take as much interest in another 'pop' magazine it would be a bit like throwing it on the pile. That is why I though EMAP would be a great distributor of my magazine.

Who would the audience for your media product?

I think my audience of social group would be middle/upper class this is because the look of my magazine shows the features of being very formal but then the actual features inside can be seen as middle class but I don't think that stereotyping is good for a magazine company so I think that my magazine can be targeted at any social group. The gender audience for this magazine I would say is more likely to be women because in my research I found that on average women are the main buyers of magazine no matter what genre so I took this on board and decided to present women on my images which defiantly pulls the women reader in more and they will be more likely to buy it but I defiantly decided to keep some of the male aspect in there with the cover lines and headlines showing the features of male artists that are more popular with men then they are with women. Putting all this together I would say my audience is middle/upper class more likely to be targeted at women but it is also for meant and the age range would be anything from sixteen onwards and I have shown this through the images I have as they are sixteen and onwards I have also presented artists in the magazine that are more popular with this age range.

How did you attract/address your audience? 

I tried to attract my audience through the use of my cover lines and head lines and also through my images. My cover line all represent popular and well know artists which is a good way to pull the audience in as it will make them think instantly the magazine will be good and it will give the magazine a good name for its self this is especially important if it is just starting out. I made sure that my images were appealing so that they would pull the reader in because this is what the audience tends to look at when they are looking at magazines 'who is on the cover?' so my front cover image was the most important and the way I have done it to pull the audience in is buy making the person in the image look straight into the camera this instantly give the reader a sense of knowing the person, I then decided to make the person in the image make a facial expression that shows a sense of humour which makes the audience feel welcome and makes them want to read the magazine. Another way of attracting the audience was the use of bold colours I decided that 'red' is very bold and it stands out from the rest it also makes it easy and clear to read, this is a common feature used throughout my magazine.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The technologies I have used through the process of making my product are quite simple things; Internet, Microsoft, fireworks, digital camera. All these technologies I have already had experience using so I found it quite easy to use and pick up on through my process.

For my research of other magazines and there conventions I used the Internet a lot I found it easy but I did come across some difficulty's on finding the right magazine and also finding if it was a real magazine or if it was a previous magazine that had been made for a project what I learnt fro  this was to use a good search engine 'google'. Another thing that I came across on the Internet was 'picnic' this is a image modifier which has free trial on it so I through that was good to use to get the right colour and effect on my images this was quite easy to pick up on as it had a easy key to follow, I didn't need to change the background of my images as I liked the effect of the background still there.
When it came down to making the actual magazine I found that Microsoft was the best thing to use and it had many different tools which helped me get the right effect I did learn new thing for example there was new tools I could use to change the effect of my images. I thought the best for making the front cover and contents page was 'microsoft word' and the best for the double page spread was 'microsoft publisher' because you can get a A3 sheet and it is easy to work on.
I did actually have some difficulty with the computer this is because I had to wait for them to load some of them did not work on a regular basis and they always seem to take a while to actually turn on but I got around it.
The camera was easy for me as I decided to use my own I knew how to work it and get the right effect I wanted and at the end I was very pleased with the finished product.
The blogger was very new for me but with a little help I easily knew how to use it and how to put my work onto it.
So all together I found it quite easy to use the technologies and I didn't have any big problems.
Looking back at the preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
From the preliminary task I learnt many different things for the main project. the layout of the magazine was a very big thing, i learnt straight away that for the front cover the masthead and the main image is the main attraction from this I took on that I had to make them very high quality and appealing for my music magazine. The layout for the contents was a big thing as well I had to make sure it didn't look to busy for my preliminary task I made it very basic, but for my musics magazine I made it look much more professional and abit more complex with more information, I also added photos this time that gave a better finish.
I learnt how to make the images look more professional and make then have a better finish how I did this was on the preliminary task I used 'fireworks' which gave a good look to the images but not the right effect I wanted so I was not very happy but when I did my main task I found the web site 'picnic' that gave me the perfect finish and the right effect that I was looking for and I was very please.
From the begin I found that 'cover lines', 'sell lines' and 'head line' are very important because they pull the reader in and they basically show the magazines genre and target audience. So on the preliminary task all these had to be school orientated, so on my music magazine they all had to music orientated and I had to make sure I put the artists that were popular and that appealed more to my target audience for example 'katy perry' this appeals to teenage girls.  

Thursday 7 April 2011

Double page spread Final piece

This is my DPS  I have decided to take the red shade colour theme throughout because it makes it look more professional I also this it gives a house style and makes the audience feel welcome I also think it makes it look more formal even though the interview is very informal but I think the contrast is good. The images are black and white just like the front cover and the contents this is what I have used throughout because it makes it look more professional and it gives a fashion vibe to it which appeals to my target audience.

Audience feedback- 
Hayley -  I like how you have used the red colour scheme throughout and the images look very professional.

Alex- I like the way that you have  used red, this could show passion or anger, but the fact that you it with hot looks really good, i also like the way that you have kept the original pictures making it look professional and quirky.  
shaheeda- I really like how you the images on the double page spread appear to be in black and white, this has given the article a retro and antique look. i also think your colour scheme is very effetive as  Red and Black go together really well.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Music Magazine contents page.

The red colour theme has been used throughout the contents again which links the whole magazine together making it more professional. On my head lines I have used lots of different types of fonts which gives a more professional look and it makes it look more fun which will appeal to the age range of my magazine, I have also used the same font on the font cover which links the head lines and cover lines together. The images I have used make it look professional and I have used the black and white vibe on them to once again link them.

Audience Feedback-
Alex Smith- Looks professional. I like the way that the photos are different as you have kept the original background in which makes the photo unique. I also like the way the numeric structure as it shows you how many pages there is on each title.
Hayley Williams – The pictures look very professional and the black and white scheme makes the contents page look more effective and stand out. I like how from the front cover you used the red and you have carried it on through your contents page also. I like the way you have changed some writing to make the title of each page stand out more.
Callie Bilverstone- I love the pictures taken they look very professional, by using the same colour scheme of red for the whole of the page looks very neat.  The use of bold and italics and capital letters make the page really easy to read. I think that this is a really good contents page, although I think that there could be more colour variations within the page.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Music Magazine mock contents page.

This is a mock of what my contents page will be like I have decided to use a lot of different font that also link into the front cover. along the right hand side I will place two images that also link into different pages. I have decided to use the same main font and colour red throughout.

Monday 21 March 2011

Music Magazine cover.

This is the front cover for my Music magazine I decided to use the read colour theme to make a house style feeling that creates a welcome to the buyer. I have decided to use four cover lines so that they are equally evened out and so that it looks professional and it makes it easy to read it also gives a better finish I think. The images I have decided ton use gives the music vibe and it appeals to the target audience because it is a young teenage girl which is what my main target audience is.
Audience feed back-

Hayley – I like the black and white effect on the image it makes the front cover stand out, I also like the red colour font as it shows up well on the page.

Paige – i like how the title is unique, its very eye catching as its big & bold,  & stands out from the rest of your other boarderlines. I also like the image & the black & white effect you have done for the image.

Alex- I like the black and white effect that you have added in as it makes it look unique and vintage,. The red contrast is effective although it may not grab everyones attention.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Music Magazine cover.

This is the mock of my front cover I have decided to use the red and white background colour scheme this makes the text easy and clear to read. The coverline I have decided to use are of more popular well know singers this has been done so that it will pull the reader in  and make them want to read the magazine.

Monday 14 March 2011

Mock Cover for music magazine.

Front cover of magazine:

Names for music magazine:
-music magazine.

There will be one big image that is mid shot and that is looking straight into the camera so that it graps the readers attention and looks like they are looking at them.

Cover lines for magazine:
-Cheryl Cole speaks out.
I have decided to use this cover line because Cheryl is such a popular singer and as my magazine is a pop magazine she is such an iconic pop signer it all goes together. When the readers see her name they will immediately be attracted to it and want to read more which will make them want to buy the magazine. It also shows that there will be an interview with her in the magazine as it says she 'speaks out' which attracts a variety of different audiences because it suggests it can be talking about her music which will attract her music fans and it can suggest it will be talking about her personal life that will attract the gossip lovers.
-Katy perry my new album.
This will defiantly attract allot of peoples eyes as Katy Perry is such a big role model and such a popular singer more popular then Cheryl Cole which makes it good for the magazine and to have it on the cover as it will also attract allot of different readers as Katy's music  is for all different ages and different people. Katy's music is also pop like Cheryl which makes it good for the magazine as it matches. As I have said 'my new album' this is going to make the readers want to buy the magazine and find out more about her new album which is another reason I chose for it to be on the cover.
-V festival line up is here!
Although 'V festival' is not just pop but a range of different types of music I decided to put it on the cover as it is still such a big event and pop lover and more will want to know the line up so this really reaches out to all music lovers who want know more about the festival, this is the main reason I chose this because Ireaches out to more and not just my target audience.
-Kim Kardashian and her new single
I am using this one because is attract the fans of Kim kardashian and also because it is a new artist in the scenes which make this slightly exclusive. This also attracts the american fans to this magazine.
Contents page:

The mast head will have the name of the magazine in smaller font and then in bigger font beside that will be the word contents.
The image I am going to use is on the same purson on the front cover but doing a different pose, probably sitting down and the the contents infomation curves around the image.

Two page article:

The masthead of the article will have a small font of the tittle next to it and then in smaller font the name of the person the article is with.
The two page article will also have the same images as the person on the front and on the contents and once again doing a different pose.

Here are some draft drawing that I have made:

This is the draft drawing of my Front Cover, I like the name of my magazine as it is unique. I will have a sell line because I think when people see it they will know it is this magazine. The main image will be big enough to fill the page.

This is the draft drawing of my contents page I have decided I will have two images on the right hand side and the the headlines down the left hand side of the page. I will take the red theme trough from the front cover. I will have the same masthead as on the front cover and beside that will just have a basic name 'contents'.

This is the draft drawing of my DPS  I am going to have one main image on the left hand side of the page then the article 'question and answer interview' with be on the right hand side of the page I think it is more professional and it will make it easy and clear to under stand the colour theme will be shade of red.

Friday 11 March 2011

Questionnaire results.

-7 people said yes and 3 people said no, this means that my image will be looking straight into the camera to grab the readers attention.

-4 people said solos female, 2 people said solo male, 1 said girl group, 2 people said boy group and 1 said mixed group, I have decided to have a solo female on my cover because of the response being the highest with that.

6 people said they liked pop, 2 people said they liked rock, 0 people said they liked jazz, 2 people said they liked indie and 0 people said classic. I am now going to make my magazine a music magazine.
2 people said 1, 3 people said 2, 4 people said 3, 0 people said 4. I am going to use three cover lines because that is what most people said to use and also because it makes it look less cluttered.

3 people said bold serif, 2 people said serif, 3 people said bold San serif, people said San serif, I am either going to chose from bold serif or bold San serif.

4 people said neutral, 2 people said bold, 2 people said colourful, and 2 people said mixed, I have decided to use neutral colours maybe black and White colours that go together.

9 people said for there to be one big image on the front cover this is what I am going to do as well as it makes it more modern and clean.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Magazine research questionnaire

Circle the answer you see appropriate.
1.     Do you think the main image should grab your attention?
Yes    No

2.     What type of image would you like to see on the cover?
Solo Female    Solo Male   Girl Group Boy
Group Mixed Group

3.     What type of music do you listen to?
Pop    Rock    Jazz    Indie   Classical

4.     How many cover lines do you think there should be on the cover?
1,    2,    3,    4,    5,   6,   7,   more.

5.     What type of Font should the masthead be?
Bold Serif    Serif   Bold San-Serif    San-Serif

6.What colour should be used on the cover?
Neutral    Bold    Colourful    Mixed

6.     How many pictures do you think should be on the contents page?
1,    2,    3,    4.

The reason  I have made an questionnaire was to find out what my target audience wanted to see and what they wanted this was very important to me to find out some market research to get the magazine right. The questions I decided to use are very basic so that it is easy for people to answer otherwise if they were very long then people may not answer truthfully which would mean that I don't have valid research. Although the questions are very basic they giver me the information I need to know that makes the magazine appeal to the audience.

Friday 18 February 2011

Music magazine double page research.

The images used is a rural setting outdoor, which immediately shows the youth of this band and there Target audience to be teenagers it also shows a slight amount of the genre of the band which will probably be pop or indie. The image is mainly set on the girl who has been placed closer to the camera in this image which tell us that this article will be about her this is also shown on the right hand side of the page when there has been an imge of the girl again still in the same outfit but in a different pose this time the background has been cut out behind her and there has been a white outline added to give the effect that the image is attached to the writting. Behinnd the girl in the main imge is four other boys which could tell us that they are the band and that the girl is the main singer. All five of the people in the image are all dressed in casual modern clothes whic again shows the youth of the band and aslos there genre. the masthead stands out really well because it is white and it contrast against the background they have us san-serif fond which give the modern young effect and they have used a bold font which also makes it stand out, there is a short line below which is the coverline and it is still in the white font but it is smaller and is also not bold. the article is set in two collums, the have used the black font against the whtie background which has made it easy to read and also ties in to the masthead so it shows a slight amount of a clour scheme towards the end of the articule they have hilighted a drop quote and changed it so the font is whit and the background is black this makes it stand out from the whole articule this has been done so that if someone turns onto the page and reads that quote it will pull them in and make them read the full articule. The page has a page number and also a website this shows that it is a real double page in a magazine.

The image is of the four people out of the iconic and well know band "the black eyed peas" they all stand posing and looking straight into the camera this has been done so matter where you are looking on the page it looks like the images are looking at you. We can see that three of the images are faded into the background and "will-i-am" is not this has been to show that he is the main person and this is what the article is on. There has been a contrast of colour used where the masthead is, the colour is the same colour as the clothing that "will-i-am" is wearing this once again tells us that the article is about him it also makes it look clean and modern. They have only used one column for the writing on the right hand page, this is because most of the image of the four people in on the left hand page but also comes over on to the right hand page slightly. The article is all the same font and all the same size they have gone with black font so that it is easy to read as the background is White they have also used drops quotes this has been done to pull readers in the way they have placed the drop quote is in the middle of the article and what they have done has made the font white and highlighted it in black so that it stands out from the rest this is a good trick as it it makes the reader read this quote first and makes them want to read the article. They have used a page number which gives the effect of a real magazine. 

Friday 4 February 2011

Music Contents page research

The mast head bold and tell the reader straight away which magazine it is about and that everything in it will be all about the week they are in. Along the left hand side of the page there is the list of the different things on the pages with the number of the page beside them. there is only one image and it is a big one with a bold heading that tells us that the image of the building must be called "astoria" On the right hand side the is sub heading which then have the tittle of different pages and the page number the sub headings are there to show what the pages are going to be about for example below reviews there with be the pages which there is reviews on.  

The masthead of this is very down to the point and basic but this is done so that it keeps that modern and sophisticated look that “Q” has, to the left of this we know that this is a real contents page as it has the page number on the top right hand corner and it also has the date and website. The picture they have used is of the group “the courtenners” it is a full length image which shows there whole body and it also has the back ground which is the country side which has been done to give off the effect and genre of the type of music they play. The cover lines are very basic they have used the colour scheme of red for the number of the page and then the title of the page in black the font is all very basic and throughout it keep the same trends and colours that “Q” always use. On the main image they have actually put the cover line on the bottom of the image so it tell the reader whop the people in the image are and which page to go on to find out more information on them.

This is another contents page which has go the same original, and well know colour scheme and font going on. For the mast head it tell us that this magazine is going to be a summer one and it will tell us what is going to be going on in summer and what will be popular. For the cover line on the right hand side it has the basic number and title of the page but they have also opted to use images and number they have several images on the right hand side of the page with the number of the page that there is information about this person set somewhere in the actual image, they are only able to do this because the images are of very well know people if they decided to do it will not so well know people it wouldn’t have the same effect this appeals more to “Q’s” audience.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Music Magazine cover research.

The masthead s big and bold and takes up most of the left hand corner. The colour of the the writing in the masthead is white with a red back ground this works really well to stand out because red and white contrast against one another. This has been done to attract the reader and also to make it recognisable so when anyone sees this masthead they know what it is. The font used in the mast head is San-serif which has been done because its target audience is younger people which gives it a more informal and modern effect to the magazine, but lower down in the main cover line they have used serif on the "rocks" because the magazine tends to be more intellectual and because their main image is "CHERYL COLE" who's main followers tend to be more younger females they don't want the readers to be turned off by this so they are trying to cover up the pop effect that she gives off, to show more of a rock which is Q's usual genre. The sell line of this magazine makes a big statement saying that its the UK's biggest music magazine this has been done to appeal to the customers because if a customer is looking to buy a music magazine and they see that this is the biggest music magazine in the UK they will be more persuaded into buying it as this makes them think that it must be good as it is the biggest in the UK.
The masthead has changed the colour for this one so that it is easier to read and that it goes with the colour scheme of the picture but they have still kept the tradition font, the image of Lady GaGa covers the masthead they are able to do this though because it is such a well know magazine. The picture is of Lady GaGa it is from knee length she is wearing a dress which looks like it is made from bubbles and it is very revealing this has been done because it is what people will call classic GaGa as she is always wearing exotic and very different types of fashion so they have decided to capture this in the image, her make-up has been made to actually work with the back ground and the writing so that everything connects. For the cover lines they have used the same type of font but in many different ways for example the word “Lady GaGa” is the largest words there, the obvious reason this has been done is so that people who have a look at this colour automatically know that the image is lady gaga, the font used is all serif font. On the left hand side we once again have the big font used that says “the hot list” this has been done to attract people know that there is something new and exciting in side below that there is smaller font used to give us a small idea what is going to be in the hot list. We can see that this is a real magazine as they have used a barcode with a price and at the top above the masthead there is a date and website.

The masthead is once again changed from it iconic red colour to a yellow so that is blends in with the image and the colour scheme of the cover lines, it still has the traditional font with it. The images is of Lil Wayne and it is roughly mid-shot he has a bland expression on his face and he is not looking into the camera he is looking down this has been done to show his personality and the way he acts, but then we see that he is wearing a necklace that has the iconic rolling stones logo on it which also promote rolling stones more. There is not many cover lines on this magazine but once again like the Lady GaGa cover they have used the biggest font where is say his name so people know straight away if they don’t know who he is they will know when they see this, it is also like the Cheryl Cole cover where is says he “goes rock” when Lil Wayne is actually a rap pop singing so that is not rolling stones target audience so adding the “rock” it relates more to rolling stones usual audience. We can also see that this is a real magazine as it has the barcode and it also has the price and the website above the masthead.

The masthead is all bold and bright colour which makes it easy to read it is all the same colour with some of the colour line which shows the colour scheme, they have also make all three letter capital letter which makes it stand out in front of everything else on the page so straight away when people see this they know that this is the name of the magazine, just below the masthead there is a sell line which says “NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS” this will probably be on every NME magazine. The cover lines are cold and match the pink colour of the masthead the biggest and bold masthead it the name “RIHANNA” which has been done because she is so well know that people see that she is on the front cover and her name is on the magazine so that magazine will appeal more to her audience, just below her name she has a quotation which is something that she has said they have done this because it shows her personality and it tell the readers what there will probably be an interview with her in the magazine, there is only two cover lines the other one is all pink and bold but it is not as big as the other one below that it has a list of other famous singers and band which is in blank and in a smaller font this is for additional information. We can see this is a real magazine as they have used a barcode also above the masthead there is a date and price of the magazine.

Thursday 27 January 2011

This is an example of a contents page. The text is wrote in columns and they are have number beside so that it tell the reader which page to go to. along the left there is picture of people then a brief synopsis about them. along the right side there is images that bring colour to the page and makes it seen less boring.

The is writing on the left hand side and it has the numbers down the side of it to direct the reader. There is a group of images down the side that attracts the reader in. At the bottom of the page there is an advert.


Wednesday 26 January 2011

I have decided to use this layout for my contents page as it is simple and basic which makes it easy to read and understand.

The mast head, website and the picture are still the same as my draft. The sell line I have chosen to use is to attract the reader in who are thinking of college or future education that is why it says "new life". The cover lines that I have made are have similar things about them talking about education and also about students.
I have added a bar code that gives it the effect that it is real.

The masthead name I have chosen is directed to the target audience which is students, just below I have put a website to give it a real effect.
Th picture I have used is a student reading a book and sitting down, behind her is a field there was a lamp post that was directly behind her head but I used fireworks to get rid of it.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

The masthead of this is big and bold with a modern font this stands out straight away to tell the reader what it is that they are going to read, the colour yellow stands out really well as it contrasts with the background which is white.
The sell line of this magazine is about football and how it is back, we can see this is obviously a big thing to do with this magazine as the image is a man dressed in a football uniform holding a football. the sell line of this magazine uses a bold font which is all in capital letter and also ends with an explanation mark which shows the excitement of it.
the font of the cover lines is a basic font maybe "Ariel" they are all one colour which is a grey, they stand out from the background and make it easy to read. The position of the cover lines are placed above the tittle and just below the sell line this give more room for the image and it also makes it seem more modern which is good as it appeals to the audience which is students.
The main images is position right in the middle of the page and covers some of the tittle, there is a young man who is wearing a football uniform and is carrying a football this tell us that the target audience may be young men who play football.
There is a barcode which tell us that this is a real magazine.

The masthead tells us straight away that the magazine is targeted at college students or people who are thinking about going to college, the colour is yellow which straight away makes it stand out from the black background and easy to read.
The sell line is big and bold and also adopts the feature of the tittle as it is yellow and makes it stand out from the background we can see it is talking about the future of a dance hall this show that the magazine may have a variety of different features in it.
the cover lines are placed around the page and around the image this give the effect of a usual glossy magazine which tell us the target audience if for teenagers, they all have different fonts to them and different colour which make them all stand out and make people want to read them which then encourages them to buy the magazine and read the storeys that are attached to these cover lines. the cover lines talk about it being Friday and spring break this once again tells us the target audience is for the younger generation.
the picture is a young Man who is dressed like a student who is carrying books which represents the the audience of the magazine, the picture is mid-shot and placed in the middle of the magazine front cover.
the is a bar code which show that this is a real magazine there is also a website.

The masthead is targeted at its target audience because its name is college and the audience is college students. It is bold and easy to read. The cover line are evenly placed around the page, each cover line starts with a bold and big font as the tittle and it then goes into a more formal smaller font to tell more information.
The main picture is a young women wearing casual clothing we can see it is summer which maybe why she is wearing shorts the way she is standing is very happy and respectful, in the background we can see a field with trees which is out of focus this makes it all see like summer which then sells the magazine because it makes the student seem like this is what it will be like for them.
They use a barcode which give the features to prove it is a real magazine.